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Wilt Chamberlain explains why he’s better than Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan Wilt Chamberlain
Photo: Sports Illustrated

Asking basketball fans these days who they think is the best basketball player ever, most people say Michael Jordan, but Wilt Chamberlain thinks it isn’t. He has a counterargument to everything that could be done to him and can even claim that he is the greatest player ever. check it out:

1) “He has a championship, so I can’t predict how great a man really is. Some people on the championship team aren’t doing anything!”

2) “I usually scored all these points, but I was leading the league in percentile shooting. This is because if you want to take every shot you need to create the highest percentage. That’s important, so when they compare me to Michael, Michael’s lifetime average was 30 points, but I averaged about 30 points in his lifetime, but he stopped scoring! “

3) “I know basketball is a team game. You already have Michael number one, but if you had to gamble against my prime, Michael, how much money would you have? Are you willing to bet? “

4) “He’s 6’7 and he’s like £ 197 … We weren’t very wise about Michael.” Hey, Michael, these flashy things outside where we are. As long as you do everything, you’re okay. “

5) When asked if he could beat MJ one-on-one with Prime, Wilt said: I have a 50 inch vertical jump. I do a bench press for almost £ 600. He would have been crushed. “

6) “I entered the NBA and destroyed it. My tools were so dominant that they scared people.”

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