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Brittney Griner testifies she signed documents without understanding what they said after being stopped at Moscow airport

When authorities accused him of finding and smuggling cannabis oil in her luggage at Moscow Airport, Greener, who had been detained in Russia since February, said, “How did they get into my bag to this day? I don’t know yet. ” A considerable amount of narcotic substance. She faces her up to 10 years in prison.

These sources told CNN that plans to exchange Greener and Welan for Victor Bout (who had been in US prison for 25 years) were discussed earlier this year and were supported by President Joe Biden. rice field. Biden’s support for swaps nullifies opposition from the Justice Department, which generally opposes prisoner transactions.

Arriving hand-locked to the Khimki District Court near Moscow on Wednesday, Greener arrived at Sheremetyevo International Airport on February 17 without fully understanding what was included. He testified that he was forced to sign the document.

Brittney Griner testifies in a trial in Russia, lawyers say

Initially, Greener said he had signed several documents, but used Google Translate on his mobile phone and knew little about it. She was later taken to another room, where her phone was taken away and forced to sign more documents without explanation, she said.

The lawyer was not present, Greener testified, stating that her rights were not explained to her. This should have been done within three hours, according to Russian law. These rights include the right to know what she is suspected of and to contact her counsel from the moment she is detained. This includes the ability to hold private meetings prior to the first cross-examination by the authorities.

Grinner’s detention, search and arrest were “inappropriate,” her lawyer Alexander Boykov told journalists Wednesday, adding that she would elaborate on closing arguments in the expected trial in “weeks.”

In her testimony, Greener “explained to the court that she knew and respected Russian law and never intended to break them,” Greener’s other lawyer, Maria Bragovolina, heard on Wednesday. Said after.

“She emphasized that she had no plans to bring it to Russia for use, and told the court that Yekaterinburg became her second home and she always enjoyed her time in Russia.” Brago Volina added, referring to the Russian city played by Greener. ..

The hearing on Wednesday (the sixth inquiry) was attended by Chargé d’Affaires Elizabeth Ludo, the US Embassy’s Chargé d’Affaires, as in the previous hearing.

The trial is expected to end early next month, Greener’s lawyer said.

Brittney Griner arrives at the court hearing.

Greener testifies that he used medical marijuana to treat knee injuries

Greener was the only decision to plead guilty, sources close to her said. For weeks, Greener, Her family, lawyer, professional Given the extensive discussion of the decision and the reported 99% conviction in Russian criminal cases, Grinner weighs all factors, including the plea that could ultimately lead to a short sentence. I was asked to do it.

At the beginning of her trial, prosecutors accused Grinner of deliberately smuggling drugs into Russia, but Grinner later told court she did not intend to commit a crime, according to state media agency RIA Novosti. .. She said that hemp oil was in her luggage as a result of her rushing packing.

Grinner reiterated the statement in Wednesday’s testimony, telling the court that she knew Russian drug laws and did not intend to break them, adding that she was “stressed” in a hurry.

Greener’s lawyer tells a Russian judge that their clients Medical cannabis prescribed for “severe chronic pain”. And when asked how she received cannabis oil cartridges in the United States on Wednesday, Greener said she used a medical permit document issued in Arizona to buy marijuana from a pharmacy for medical purposes. Told.

She said Greener suffered a severe knee injury, was in a wheelchair for four months, and used medical marijuana when her knee and ankle joints became inflamed. But she never used it before the tournament, she testified. That is because there is a risk of disqualification.

“No, I’ll never endanger it,” she said. “I didn’t want to hurt the team”

Brittney Griner was prescribed medical cannabis for

At a hearing on Tuesday, Greener’s lawyer called on drug experts as expert witnesses and testified outside Russia that “medical cannabis is a popular treatment, especially among athletes,” Blagovolina said.

Boykoff said that Grinner was not “permitted to import” banned substances into Russia, but that “even in the permitted United States, he occasionally used these substances as directed by doctors.” Emphasized the position. Strictly for medical purposes to relieve pain. “

Boykoff continues to insist that he rushed into the suitcase indiscriminately, not paying attention to the fact that substances licensed for use in the United States arrived in the suitcase in the Russian Federation. ” Said. ..

Greener is waiting for a court hearing.

“She is one of us”

There was speculation that she could be released in a prisoner exchange before Wednesday’s news that the Biden administration offered to exchange Greener and Welan for bouts, It resembles American veteran Trevor Reed, who was detained in Russia for three years before being released in April.

However, Grinner was convicted and expected to have to admit his negligence before the possibility of prisoner exchange, a senior U.S. official told CNN earlier.

Greener’s detention has been the focus of prominent American athletes such as USWNT soccer star Megan Rapinoe and four-time NBA champion Stephen Curry. Called on those who heard that they would continue to focus on achieving her liberation At last week’s ESPY Awards..

When WNBA stars Neka Gumike and Skyler Digginssmith participated in tackling this issue, “We wish best and urge the entire global sports community to remain vibrant on her behalf. “.

“She is one of us, a team of athletes in this room tonight and around the world. It has nothing to do with politics or global conflict.”

Grinner’s wife, Sherel Grinner, spoke with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris earlier this month after publicly criticizing the administration’s response to his wife’s detention.

Sherel Greener said she was “thankful” for the call, but added that she was “worried and kept talking openly” until her wife returned home.

CNN’s Chris Liakos, Kylie Atwood, Evan Perez and Jennifer Hansler contributed to this report.

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