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NCAA Men's

Does Tiger Style Wrestling Have The Fire Power For The NCAA Wrestling Championships

When talking about Mizu and NCAA wrestling, the question is whether they have what they need to do the title or what they need to finish in the top three. Mizzou dates back 10 years and has only been in the NCAA Top 5 since 2012, four times in 2015 and five times in 2017.

In the last decade, with the exception of 2020 (Covid), the average score for teams that have won the NCAA Championship title has been 128.6. The best total in that span came in 2017, when Pennsylvania State University finished at 146.5, ran away with the title, and outperformed the next best team (Ohio State University) by 36.5 points. The lowest team score in the 10 years was 2015. Ohio State University topped the list with a total team score of 102. The closest time Mizuu could exceed 100 team points was when he finished fifth in 2017. With 86.5 team points.

Annual team score

Year: beginning: No. 2: Third: the 4th: Fifth: Mizuu
Year: beginning: No. 2: Third: the 4th: Fifth: Mizuu
2022 131.5 95 74 66.5 59.5 49.5
2021 129 113.5 99.5 74 69 64
2020 X X X X X X
2019 137 96.5 84 76 62.5 62
2018 141.5 133.5 97 80 80 61.5
2017 146.5 110 103 97 86.5 86.5
2016 one two three 97 86 82 81 74.5
2015 102 84 75.5 73.5 71.5 73.5
2014 109 104 96.5 78.5 62 40.5
2013 123.5 119.5 103 73 65 56.5
year 2012 143 117.5 107.5 102.5 68.5 20
average 128.6 107.05 92.6 80.3 70.55 58.85

Looking back each year, I saw how each team scored points and what it takes to be the top or top three teams in the NCAA Championship when all the dust has settled down.

The first category I saw was the number of qualifiers each team had. This is a number that Mizuo has consistently maintained over the years. Since 2012, Mizu has taken more than eight men to the NCAA Championship, averaging just over nine. Believe it or not, Mizuu passed more qualifying than the average third-placed team of the year sitting at 8.9 on average in that span. This number may be a bit distorted as Edinboro, who won third place in six qualifying rounds, finished in 2015.


Year: beginning: No. 2: Third: Mizu:
Year: beginning: No. 2: Third: Mizu:
2022 9 9 Ten 9
2021 Ten 9 9 Ten
2020 X X X X
2019 9 Ten 9 9
2018 9 Ten 9 9
2017 9 9 Ten 8
2016 9 Ten 8 9
2015 Ten Ten 6 Ten
2014 Ten 9 Ten 8
2013 Ten Ten Ten Ten
year 2012 9 9 8 Ten
average 9.40 9.50 8.90 9.20

The following categories start with a tournament win or loss and lead to interrelated arrays in a particular way. In the last decade, the average number of wins per tournament (34.4) is actually just 0.1 more than the average of the 1st place finish team (34.3) for the 2nd place team. During this period, Mizuu exceeded 30 wins only twice, with 30 wins in 2021 and 33 wins in 2015. That year, the Tigers finished fourth as a team.

Leading us to the opposite of winning, the average loss of the team that finished in 1st place was 11.3, while the teams in 2nd and 3rd place were tied at 14.80 respectively. The Tigers, on the other hand, averaged 17.40 and had the lowest total loss in 2017 (13), finishing fifth in the team.

We went back to the winning line to find out which point categories gave each team the maximum boost and each team was separated from the chasing team. From the smallest gap to the largest gap, the first category gives us points of progress.

“”4.4.2 Advance point.. With the exception of the final 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th place matches, you will earn 1 team point for each match you win in the Championship Bracket and ½ points for the Wrestling Back Bracket. One point on the championship bracket and 1/2 point on the wrestling back bracket will be awarded to the buy if the wrestler who receives the buy wins the next round. (According to NCAA wrestling scoring rules)

Over the last decade, Mizu has averaged only 16.85 points forward, more than 20 points just twice (2013, 2015). Since 2012, the number one team has finished with more than 26 progress points, averaging about 27.4 per year. The 2nd and 3rd place teams are currently sitting on average for 26.3 and 23.5 years. The 30-point threshold has only been broken or tied twice in the last decade. Pennsylvania State University was 35.5 in 2012 and Iowa was 30 in 2021.

Advance point

Year: beginning: No. 2: Third: Mizu:
Year: beginning: No. 2: Third: Mizu:
2022 26 25.5 22.5 14.5
2021 30 24.5 24.5 19.5
2020 X X X X
2019 28.5 twenty five 22.5 17
2018 28 31.5 22.5 16.5
2017 27 23.5 27 19.5
2016 26 twenty four 18 17.5
2015 21.5 twenty two 16.5 21.5
2014 25.5 26.5 twenty four 11
2013 26 26.5 27 20.5
year 2012 35.5 34 30.5 11
average 27.40 26.30 23.50 16.85

The following two categories are interrelated: activity points and bonus earning. NCAA Wrestling Scoring Rules define and determine the following as bonus points:

“”4.4.3 Additional points.. Throughout the tournament, you’ll earn two more points for each match you win in the fall, default, forfeiture, or disqualification. If the winning wrestler is awarded in the fall near the end of the match, a total of 1.5 points will be awarded for each match won by technical fall. If the winning wrestler does not record a close fall during the match, one point will be awarded for each match won by a major decision or technical fall. ”

The availability of bonus points throughout the tournament will quickly add up and rock you into a better position. How important are activity points? Since 2012, all NCAA team champions have scored outscores in both categories only once. In 2018, Ohio State University (24) and Iowa (30.5) slightly outperformed Pennsylvania State University (23.5) in the row of activity points, with 17 OSUs and PSUs and 17 Iowa. It was 19.

Activity point

Year beginning No. 2 Third MIZ
Year beginning No. 2 Third MIZ
2022 16.5 11.5 9.5 11
2021 27 17 20 20.5
2020 X X X X
2019 28 16.5 16.5 15
2018 23.5 twenty four 30.5 18
2017 32.5 22.5 13 14
2016 twenty three 13.5 16 16
2015 19.5 15 15 12
2014 20 15.5 13.5 6.5 6.5
2013 29.5 twenty one 17 6
year 2012 25.5 16.5 16 Four
average 24.50 17.30 16.70 12.30

In that span, the top team finished with an average of 24.5 activity points and 16.6 bonus wins. With poor results from the Mizu side, these averages are almost twice the final number of tigers. The best performers in both categories in the last decade were the latest in 2021 with 15 bonus wins and 20.5 activity points. They averaged 12.3 activities and 8.4 victories in that time frame. During that span, the Tigers gradually improved their numbers. If you wipe out 2012-2014, the average jumps by nearly 3 points and you win 2 wins.

Approach the final category and jump to the main group starting with the number of medals. Staying in our time frame (2012-present), the 2nd place team is actually 0.1 higher on average than the 1st place team, but hasn’t won the championship since 2015. 5 or more medals in the last 10 years. Meanwhile, Mizu has not yet exceeded five medals and has reached that line only three times in 2013, 2015 and 2017.

This will take you to the last two categories, placement points, and individual champions. Perhaps it is one of the most important and important parts of the final team score. NCAA wrestling scoring rules define the following for placement points:

“”4.4.1 Location. In individual advanced tournaments, individual placement points should be awarded as soon as they are earned. Placement points already earned will be deducted if disqualified due to serious illegal activity. ”

“In an event that has won eight locations, the winner of each championship quarterfinal will be awarded six location points, and the winner of each championship semifinal will be awarded six additional location points for each championship final. The winner will be awarded four additional location points. “

“The winner of the wrestling back semi-final will get 3 points. In the last wrestling round, the winner got 3 points and before that he got 3 points.”

“3rd place winners, 5th place winners and 7th place winners will need to receive one more place point.”

Finishing on the podium is the goal of every individual participating in a championship tournament, but finishing on the top podium is the ultimate goal. Over the past few years, there has been one constant for teams to win top individual champions. Since 2012, the top team has only played once with less than two champions (2021). The team that finished at the top averages about three champions a year at 2.9. This is more than double the final average of 1.20 for the second-placed team.

Engaging individual wrestlers in championship finals and medal rounds can be a very good precursor to a team’s score, which is undoubtedly shown. On average, the 1st place team is at 77.1 placement points, 13.5 more than the 2nd place average (63.6). The University of Missouri achieved the highest total in 2017 with an average of 29.5 placement points per year. It ended with 53 points, 5 medalists and a 5th place team trophy.

Placement point

Year: beginning: No. 2: Third: Mizu:
Year: beginning: No. 2: Third: Mizu:
2022 89 58 42 twenty five
2021 73 72 56 twenty four
2020 X X X X
2019 82 55 45 31
2018 91 79 45 27
2017 87 64 64 53
2016 74 60 52 41
2015 61 47 44 41
2014 64 62 59 twenty three
2013 68 72 59 30
year 2012 82 67 61 0
average 77.10 63.60 52.70 29.50

So does Mizuu have what he needs to win the team title or finish in the top three? Perhaps the real question is whether Mizuu can capture Pennsylvania State University. Because they have built a dynasty in the world of college wrestling. Over the last decade, Nittany Lions have won eight team titles.

Top 3 teams

Year: beginning: No. 2: Third: Mizu:
Year: beginning: No. 2: Third: Mizu:
2022 Pennsylvania State University Michigan Iowa The 9th
2021 Iowa Pennsylvania State University Oklahoma The 7th
2020 X X X X
2019 Pennsylvania State University Ohio Oklahoma The 6th
2018 Pennsylvania State University Ohio Iowa The 6th
2017 Pennsylvania State University Ohio Oklahoma 5th place
2016 Pennsylvania State University Oklahoma Street Ohio Street The 6th
2015 Ohio Street Iowa Edinboro 4th
2014 Pennsylvania State University Minnesota Oklahoma Street 14th
2013 Pennsylvania State University Oklahoma Street Minnesota The 7th
year 2012 Pennsylvania State University Minnesota Iowa 26th

From a statistical point of view, the Tiger style wrestling team needs to offer the best numbers they’ve ever seen. It makes sense that I didn’t make it into the top three. Climbing is a very tall mountain, but this is a very young and talented team. The future of this team is bright. We already have national champions in-house, so other members need to step up and push beyond their abilities. Bonus points exceed seeds, survive and move forward. It all starts in the wrestling room and is carried over to the big stage. There are no unreachable tasks for the Tigers.

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