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Ex NBA star Enes Kanter has $500K Turkish bounty on his head

Former NBA star Enes Kanter Freedom, famous for correcting his name after becoming a U.S. citizen in 2021, is officially wanted. This is the first time his former country has actually been wanted, not just on the terrorist list. Placed a published bounty on people’s heads.

The government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is offering up to 10 million Turkish lira, or about $500,000, for information leading to the capture of freedom, which he said he learned of it a week ago.

“It’s very dangerous,” the 30-year-old Freedom told the Post. because they want the

He also revealed he was considering suing the NBA – “I’m waiting for the right time” – claiming Freedom accused him of public outcry against China. There is

Former NBA star Enes Kanter Freedom is currently on Turkey's list of most wanted terrorists with a $500,000 bounty on his head.
Former NBA player Enes Kanter Freedom is currently on Turkey’s Most Wanted Terrorists list with a $500,000 bounty on the table.
AFP via Getty Images
Freedom has never hesitated to voice what it deems unjust in China, Turkey and elsewhere.
Freedom has never hesitated to voice what it deems unjust in China, Turkey and elsewhere.

During his 11 seasons in the NBA, Freedom was known for his outspoken statements, including his opposition to the Turkish government’s human rights abuses.he has called erdogan Because “Dictator” stepped on his photo in protest and even called him “Hitler of our century”.

“Because of my platform, every time I say something, it goes everywhere and the Turkish government hates it,” Freedom said. ‘ and is doing everything it can to silence me.”

Athlete’s name appears in Turkish terrorist wanted list With real terrorists and fellow dissidents critical of the Erdogan regime, ignored international human rights law. list too Names of over a dozen journalists — Part of a larger attack on press freedom in Turkey, where the number of jailed journalists is high doubled in the past year.

Turkey's terrorist wanted list issued by President Erdogan's government includes the names of many dissidents alongside actual terrorists.
Turkey’s terrorist wanted list issued by President Erdogan’s government includes the names of many dissidents alongside actual terrorists.
via Reuters

Freedom, who now lives in Washington, D.C., admitted that the bounty raises his personal safety concerns, but remains in constant contact with local law enforcement and the FBI.

“I have 24/7 protection,” he said, adding that he was more concerned about the safety of the lesser-known Turkish dissidents on Erdogan’s list.

“I’m speaking out because I’m not the only one on that list,” Freedom said of the prize. They’re a much easier target – and they’re just there.”

Freedom said he was concerned about the safety of others on the list, although he was ensuring personal safety.
Freedom said that while he was ensuring personal safety, he was concerned about the safety of others on the list.
Patrick McMullan via Getty Images

A Swiss-born, Turkish-raised American citizen, he has played for the New York Knicks, Boston Celtics, and other teams during his NBA career.

However, he caused a rift in the league. get billions of dollars in revenue from china Via nearly 500 million viewers as he becomes an outspoken critic of Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party.

He was also critical of Nike, the NBA’s primary advertiser and player sponsor, for a manufacturing deal in China.

freedom is "waiting for the right time" He claims he blackballed him to file a lawsuit against the NBA.
Freedom blackballed him, claiming he was “waiting for the right time” to file a lawsuit against the NBA.
Getty Images

Freedom became known for wearing sneakers during games with messages like ‘Liberate Tibet’, ‘Liberate Uyghur’ and ‘No Beijing 2022’ painted by dissident artists. rice field. pressure from the league Take off your shoes and shut your mouth.

his refusal to do so It led to an altercation with NBA star LeBron James 2019.

“I tweeted that Hong Kong should be free. [Then] Le Bron said he wasn’t well educated about the situation [to comment on it] And that what I tweeted hurt the league.” told The Post in 2021“It’s sad that these players are social justice warriors, but when it comes to China, they’re afraid to say anything… Your value is what you get from China.” It’s more important than the money you can afford.”

Freedom now says it’s getting a blackball from the NBA. After being traded from the Boston Celtics to the Houston Rockets in February, he was quickly dropped.he averaged 3.7 points and 4.6 rebounds in 11.7 minutes last season.

Freedom was known in the NBA for wearing sneakers with protest messages painted by dissident artists.
Freedom was known in the NBA for wearing sneakers with protest messages painted by dissident artists.
Getty Images
The former player said he was pressured by those around him to throw the shoes away.
The former player said he was pressured by those around him to throw the shoes away.
Getty Images

“The NBA will never admit it, but I believe I’ve been blackballed,” he told the Post. ‘Your career ended because of your comments about China.'”

Freedom is now “waiting for the right time” to sue the league.

“They are a 100% American organization, but controlled and run by China, the world’s largest dictatorship.” How can China fire American citizens from American organizations? ? That is unacceptable.”

Freedom believes he was banned from the NBA for speaking out against human rights abuses by the Chinese Communist government led by President Xi Jinping.
Freedom believes he was banned from the NBA for speaking out against human rights abuses by the Chinese Communist government led by President Xi Jinping.
Xinhua/Sipa USA

NBA spokesman Mike Bass said in a post: “The league administration was not involved in team roster decisions involving Mr. Freedom.

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver told the New York Times in March of this year: Kanter denies being blackballed.

“I spoke directly with him about his activities this season.” Silver then said.“And I made it clear to him that it was entirely within his right to speak out on issues he was passionate about.”

Since leaving the NBA, he has run a multi-faith basketball camp for children to build unity, and as a human rights activist he travels the world to meet leaders.

According to Freedom, the Kanter family, including his father Mehmet, are still being harassed in Turkey despite being forced to publicly disown him.
According to Freedom, the Kanter family, including his father Mehmet, are still being harassed in Turkey despite being forced to publicly disown him.

2023 will be the first year Freedom is on the terrorist wanted list, but the conflict with the Turkish government continues. Leaders revoked his passport in 2017, requested a “red notice” from Interpol — Call on law enforcement agencies worldwide to arrest pending extraditions in 2019.

His father, Mehmet, was imprisoned in Turkey and the family was forced to deny freedom for their own safety, the athlete said. It’s been almost a decade since he spoke to them, according to Freedom, and they’re still being harassed back in Turkey.

“My father went to the market and people spat in his face,” he said. “And my mother is being harassed so she can’t walk outside freely.”

Freedom said it wanted to draw attention to the atrocities of the Turkish government.

“We want to show the world what Erdogan is. Western leaders haven’t done enough. They’re playing softball with this dictatorship,” Freedom said. “Diplomacy is important, but on the other side of the world people are losing their lives, their homes and their loved ones.”

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