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For Trae Young and other young NBA stars, the path to the next level lies in the locker room, not the lane

Trae Young found himself embroiled in a well-publicized altercation with his head coach. I got a call saying they wanted to grow the game to include channeling.Luka Doncic is up his historic personal numbers while failing to push his Dallas Mavericks The team finished first in the Western Conference.

Welcome young NBA superstars to the league’s talent and leadership conundrum. It’s like Spider-Man’s rules for NBA awesomeness.

In this league, it’s one thing to be a star, one to show off your skills to overwhelm your teammates and opponents on the court every night, and one to be a leader who can use your talents to do more. That’s it. .

Stephen Curry, LeBron James miami heat, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, Tim Duncan – each in their own unique way, able to carry the weight of their potential and commitments and turn them into team sports of harmony, chemistry and example. . A meeting of settings and expectations that define true greats and define team success.

“It’s a very rare quality when it comes to leadership like that in team sports,” said Hall of Famer Isiah Thomas. detroit pistons to back-to-back championships, told CBS Sports. “You are very lucky if your best player as president, coach or teammate happens to be a leader. A lot of times your best player may not have leadership skills. When you find the , it’s all good.”

“Leadership is summed up in one word: trust. Do your teammates trust you? And how do you demonstrate and earn that trust? You don’t go and say, “I’ll lead.” Leadership is given, not taken. ”

And most of all, the challenge facing today’s young stars is how to build that credibility and lead their teams in ways that go beyond individual excellence. It’s the most apt and recent reminder that the lack of giving and the lack of trust and affection for a star can plague a team, and it’s a central issue this year – just like last year – to young.

He’s certainly a world-class talent, but such a story explain why he missed last Friday’s game It shouldn’t have been accidentally leaked after a disagreement with head coach Nate McMillan.

That story is clearly from the inside of Atlanta’s locker room, and the greatness of the NBA today is as much about trading shoes, wealth and attention as it is about having a locker room as a team follows you. It means manage.

But if your teammates are leaking stories to make you look bad, you have a lot to do.

The lesson learned from conversations with NBA executives and former players this week is that rising stars like Young, Morant and Doncic will have to navigate the consequences of their own successes if they are to become the next Steph or Kobe. is.

As Barkley said about Morant, you have to make your teammates better. You also have to win in the locker room, and part of that comes from being able to avoid inner jealousy as easily as dodging defenders. Avoid the pitfalls associated with skidding. As Pat Riley, creator of more diseases, wrote, “Success is often the first step to disaster.”

Only recently has ‘more’ tended to come before we’d tasted the level of success that many of today’s young stars are actually seeking.

“The guys around them are kissing their asses and no one outside the team is telling them the truth or pushing them back,” a league source told CBS Sports. rice field.

NBA insiders point to several obstacles that the Jordans, Magics, Careems and Corby’s will stand in the way of the next great players. same way.

1. No more secrets. This resonates with me and I have heard it several times. A video of Draymond Green punching Jordan Poole, or an exchange between Young and McMillan, would not have been public in the past. This makes every move a potential star makes potentially a tripping point.

This is true because being a national news breaker in the NBA is a career and wealth-making achievement in itself. Because those who have the information – agents, executives, etc. – often offer these tidbits in exchange for what they get from these rare NBA breakers, social media and technology is his 24-hour Because it changed the game with 24/7 news coverage. Because an increase in a player’s wealth correlates with an increase in the stakes and envy of those around them.

“It’s been a private situation,” McMillan told reporters after the issue came up. “For me and our group, it’s just like any other day. The story has been leaked.They are things we don’t normally talk about or deal with.Things are on the bus, on the plane, in the hotel.We are often together.We are family. Things happen during the season.

NBA teams aren’t the only family anymore. That analogy is too stretched out by modern games to be true. True family members, at least those who are close enough to a player, usually don’t betray each other with harmful leaks: Locker his room, front his office, player his agency sometimes do.

2. Rights rule. There is no way around this. If you win a lot of money before you win anything, unique challenges follow. LeBron James survived this — it didn’t go well at first, but then it was impressive. His arrival in Miami in 2010 marked Petulant his LeBron peak and also the beginning of his ability to take his talent and all that came with it and lead it to his three different organization championships. .

Young obviously has to do some work here, but it’s a given. Doncic too.Zion Williamson Campaign Clearly Tried To Leak Defamatory Information pelican GM David Griffin last year. This week, league sources said about these and half a dozen other would-be superstars and their shortcomings not as character flaws or signs of particular failure, but as the realities of promising young NBA players. They have a lot and, like all successful people, are often surrounded by yes-men and hangers-on and learning to grow beyond the rights they bring , is part of being a professional.

3. Complete lack of patience. Young is 24, Doncic and Morant are 23, and Zion is 22.

He was 28 when Jordan won his first championship. Shaq, LeBron and Steph he was 27 years old. Giannis he was 26 years old. In fact, neither Steph nor Giannis were expected to become MVP-winning, championship-leading, and league-faced megastars. Their progress was slow, unscrutinized, and much more patient.

Yes, LeBron and the Magic, Duncan and Shaq set expectations on them, but they were the exception, not the rule. It could mean a large contract.

The important thing for all these young players, including Trae Young, is that these stories are both important and normal. Success is not guaranteed, but neither is failure.

Kobe took time to learn to lead. It took Jordan time. LeBron took his time. It took Steph and Giannis time to establish themselves as stars. It doesn’t always work out (take the Kyrie Irving and Carmelo Anthony couple for example), but others get it. Jason Tatum is already 24 years old.

Clearly, Young has work to do if he does the same. hawks Trying to reach the next level. But other players have been here before and have grown. Paths are well documented. Communicate your talent the right way. Own your own mistakes. Ignore the wrong noise and listen to the right noise. Make your teammates better. Be the person others want to follow you in battle. Doing all of this will allow you to start this stage in your career and become a much better version of yourself than you are right now.

Berkeley Rights in Morant. Ja needs to better his teammates.

NBA voices around the league are right, who still think Doncic lacks the maturity to turn Luka Shaw into a consistent Mavs team.

And Young needs to stop feuding with coaches and teammates and make it his mission to guide them, not just shoot hoops with them.

But here’s a little piece of advice for Trae Young. Part of that process is the willingness to learn from mistakes. He needs to say a few simple words publicly, perhaps, but ultimately to himself. i was wrong I need to get better I have to learn to lead.

Then go and see for yourself.

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