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Gary Williams is on the Kevin Willard bandwagon

Gary Williams has been one of Kevin Willard’s go-tos since arriving in Maryland. His first year of basketball for the Terps quickly struck a chord with the former Maryland coach, who was inducted into the Hall of Fame.

“Coach Williams was phenomenal. Willard said pre season.fireI know everything that goes on in this town. He knows the program inside and out. And he has been a great resource for me so far. ”

Williams wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he was impressed with Willard’s work in the team’s spectacular 7-0 start.

“The job Kevin Willard has done with joining is to make sure key players stay in the program, which is very difficult to do with current transfer portals. Most basketball fans really enjoy this really fun, fast-paced, pressure-defying, fast-breaking, looking-for-the-first-shot type of thing. I think it will,” Williams said Thursday. of The Kevin Sheehan Show.

Sheehan said he, like many others, did not expect the team to start so strongly.

“Neither did I. I thought it would normally take a year for the team to play the way they wanted to. But one thing about it is that those seniors coming in, They know this is their last shot.They can’t enter the transport portal again.They’re done as far as it goes.So they figure it out and it’s about the quality of the kids Say something. Kevin Willard wants us to play this. This is how we play. And we’re going to try to win as many games as we can.

Williams has been vocal about all of Maryland’s attendance issues. He’s specifically talking about allowing the crowd to take advantage of Maryland’s traditional home court in tonight’s game against Illinois in the 16th.

“We did better. The team earned it and it would be very disappointing if they didn’t. Not to say they didn’t do anything, what? They exceeded everyone’s expectations. And , I feel that as fans of the state of Maryland we are still part of the program and supporting the team in what they have to show.

Details from Gary below:

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