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“I wasn’t doing coc*ine, I only got into alcohol”: When Dennis Rodman revealed how he beat his temptations to become a star alongside Michael Jordan on the Bulls

Dennis Rodman is probably one of the most eccentric NBA players ever playing the game, but he’s the main work of the Michael Jordan-led Bulls team and won everything.

Rodman was brought in at Jordan’s request. Prior to joining the Bulls, he was a member of the Detroit Pistons and San Antonio Spurs and earned a reputation as one of the best defensive players in the league.

In fact, Rodman was part of the “Bad Boy Pistons” team that Jordan was playing against. The Pistons and Bulls had a considerable rivalry at the time.

Pistons, famous for playing rough-style basketball, invented the “Jordan Rules” to delay the Bulls legend. This includes causing physical discomfort, such as violently polluting, hugging, or bumping him. Rodman was a major part of it.

But when the time came, Rodman proved his worth to the Bulls and won three rings with them.

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Dennis Rodman once revealed how he had to balance drugs and basketball

Rodman’s rebounds and aggressive defenses have made him an important member of the Bulls team. From 1995 to 1998, Rodman averaged 15.4 rebounds per game, leading the league in statistics each year.

Jordan realized that the Bulls needed someone like Rodman to defensively catch up with the more dominant Bigs in the second three-peatlan, and that’s why he guaranteed him.

But Rodman’s personality sometimes made things difficult for his team. For example, Rodman once took a 48-hour vacation to go to a party, spend his personal time, and asked head coach Phil Jackson for permission. When he was late, Jordan himself called Rodman again.

At the time (and still fairly), like many other players and people, Rodman knew that he was seduced by drugs and needed to strike a good balance between his temptation and his basketball career and life.

He admitted that he was obsessed with alcohol, but he never went beyond that and challenged things like Koshin and harder substances.

Given how accessible they are when you are a Rodman level person, you can easily get into these things, but there are many to understand that your body comes first. Self-awareness is required. Rodman clearly understood.

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