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John Cusack reveals what Michael Jordan told Kobe Bryant in a photo from their last game in 2003

Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant
Photo: Vince Bucci / TNS

Actor John Cusack reveals the story behind the famous photo above, including two NBA greats Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. A photo of the last match between the Wizards of Jordan and the Lakers of Kobe.

According to Mr. Kusak in the bystander’s photo, Kobe received the ball in that situation and everyone left in the hope of going one-on-one with MJ.

The Chicago Bulls legend stood on Bryant’s road, which went straight to Jordan. MJ was in charge and told Kobe that everyone knows he won’t pass.

“Kobe got the ball and got rid of everyone. Everyone started to get excited about Michael’s expectation that he would be Kobe. And Kobe started driving. Michael was in front of him. He stepped in front of him, and he was in charge. And he got off, Kobe was standing on him, and Michael just looked up and said, “Well, everyone in the fucking building you pass by. I knew I didn’t mean it, “Kusak said.

The incident can be seen in the video below from the 5:24 mark.

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