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Kobe Bryant on how he developed the Mamba Mentality

Photo: Kobe Bryant’s Muse

Many people remember the Kobe Championship, the winner of the game, and all the joy that Kobe Bryant brought to the basketball game. But before all the highs, there were some lows. The Kobe family, who grew up in Italy, returned to the United States when they were in high school. Kobe said this transition was never easy, saying:

“I didn’t know anyone. I looked very awkward and thin and never talked. I was sitting alone at the lunch table. I didn’t have any friends. I myself I was angry at the movement, and I had this kind of resentment and anger that I didn’t really throw away. “

In addition to this, Bryant also revealed that he did not speak English and had difficulty reading. One of the teachers noticed his struggle and told his mother that he could have dyslexia. Kobe said it hurt him badly and said it was “shocked” by him.

To deal with his struggle, Bryant turned to a basketball game. He wanted to “delay the eruption” and show his emotions on the basketball floor. He had never played with emotions before, but when he did this he said “everything in the game has changed”. He added that playing with that anger was “new to him,” but “f ****** loved it.”

No matter what happened in Kobe’s life, he always knew he could turn to basketball and give off whatever emotions he felt. The game was therapeutic for him and he took advantage of it to his advantage. Mamba was born here.

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