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Kobe Bryant’s Top 5 Dunks


Kobe Bryant is known for scoring a variety of points, as he is still ranked 4th on the scoring list to date with 33,643 points. Bean was famous for his killer midrange, but it was also a big threat to flying. In this article, we’ll take a look at Kobe’s top 5 slums!

5) “Buckle up”

In 2003, Kobe Bryant threw one of the most annoying posters in history at Target Center. Bean attacked the baseline and stuffed it into the Minnesota tycoon. That night, Kevin Harlan answered the phone and quoted a famous word. “Kobe Bryant has just sucked gravity from the target center.”

4) “Revenge slum“”

After receiving the MVP Award for him in 2006, Kobe wanted to let Steve Nash know that he had received it personally. After a great hustle play from Lamar Odom, Kobe boarded the plane and offered a facial at Steve Nash!

3) Welcome to the NBA, Dwight

During the 2004-05 season, Kobe had a special gift to welcome Dwight Howard, the league’s latest Big Man. Howard vividly remembers the play. He states: “At that time, I realized I was still a newcomer. He was going to take a jump shot, so I just stood there. He went down the lane and soaked it so hard. It’s like … boom! “

2) “Wrap around”

Probably one of the most memorable dunks in a bean. After making an incredible outlet pass with free throws, Kobe decided to give fans the value of their money. It is no exaggeration to say that this slowdown is considered “showtime”.

1) 24 flights

During the 1997 pre-season, Kobe Bryant slammed it against one of the league’s top defenders, Ben Wallace. Only in the second year, Bean showed signs of becoming a special talent. This is a typical example. Check out the veterans on the bench!

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