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Lakers Rumor Roundup: Dennis Schröder wants to reunite with LeBron

There are several things Lakers Nepotism is a drug hell, so I love it more than I do. It’s rarely more obvious than among free agents who made it a habit (I think) almost unintentionally to sign the former Lakers.

But that practice can be the toughest test, but the latest rumors are that former Lakers Dennis Schröder, who didn’t leave in the best of conditions, is back.

See more with the latest rumors and reports.

Choice of tuff

During Schroeder’s time in Los Angeles, there were several extremes. At one point, the Lakers offered him an extension of $ 80 million, but by the end of his tenure, he was replaced by trade by Russell Westbrook and he drifted to a free agent with a swimmer. Did.

However, time can heal all wounds as he is campaigning on Instagram in search of a second chance of purple and gold.

Given the Lakers’ current roster, it doesn’t make much sense to spend the last roster location on a backup point guard with an unstable 3-point shot. This doesn’t really meet any of the team’s needs. They need wings and shooting, and Schroeder is neither a wing nor a shooter.

Now, the team has multiple players Acquire Kyrie Irving and / or Buddy Hield or Eric Gordon, Perhaps Schroeder makes more sense. But it doesn’t make much sense to re-execute it now. However, the situation can change rapidly as free agencies are long and their doors remain open. As the Lakers showed in last season’s trading deadline..

Missed window?

Did the Lakers miss their windows to make a Kyrie Irving deal? Certainly there seem to be many signs of that.In his latest episode Do not aggregate thisBleacher Report’s Jake Fisher discussed Killy’s future and showed that he thinks it’s in Brooklyn.

“The Lakers and Kylie, as I’ve always said, won’t happen on a two-team deal, and I’m still struggling to see the situation-since Las-Utah’s picked up. Knowing that I mentioned it last week. Even in that fictional scenario, if Russ goes to Utah for two picks, the Lakers give them enough gratitude to Brooklyn. I’m trying to get enough to satisfy. I really don’t. At this point, Kylie really thinks so, as if thinking of Vegas odds … his place next year My overwhelming favorite at the Lakers is Brooklyn. “

Immediately after Kevin Durant’s trade request, the Lakers tried to use the turmoil to catch Kylie. But as things settle down, the cooler heads dominate, and Nets seems happy to see things to get the best deal that is likely not to include the acquisition of Russell Westbrook.

But at that point, it seems that it could still be achieved if the Lakers sweetened the pot enough. In his latest newsletter Kyle Goon’s OC register Regarding the draft topic, I mentioned the asking price of Nets.

This flood of uncertainty happens at subtle moments: the Lakers may have opened windows for replacement Brooklyn Nets Security guard Kyrie Irving is very talented in the way he praises James, but together has the NBA title to prove it. Sources say the price of Irving (which has his own limited market for his service) is the two tradable first round draft topics that the Lakers have in 2027 or 2029. He told the SouthernCaliforniaNewsGroup that it would include at least one, and more second-round draft compensation.

But organizations are reluctant to let go of their best assets of the future – Stance owner Genie Bass underlined in an interview last week: “We are not making a change because of change. It must be a good basketball decision that will help us now. It does not impair future coping ability.(The emphasis is mine.)

The ship seems to have sailed Kylie, but if the Lakers change their stance to mortgage the future to some extent, the ship may return. However, if they choose not to do so, there are other options available in the trade market, but one of them may not include a notable team …

There is no state of mind in New York

Also, in his podcast, Fisher was Russ. KnicksThe team is known to be a suspicious decision when it comes to past rostering. However, the new front office does not seem to be prone to similar problems.

Fisher specifically addressed the scenario where if Knicks acquired Donovan Mitchell, he could consider moving Julius Randle’s high salary before Randle expired. Not only is it possible that he hasn’t heard of it, but Fisher has had a very different reaction than when he mentioned Russ with Knicks.

“Whenever I raised Russ to the Knicks people, they immediately shot it down and laughed about it, right? That was before they won Jalen Brunson, and it’s definitely they Jalen Brunson. Before winning Brunson and Donovan Mitchell. If the next few years were expensive and Randall didn’t think he was ideal next to them … and something went well with Russ and the Lakers. In the scenario, they benefited from getting off his long-term salary For expired deals in Russ, they can just buy, which makes sense to me. I’ve never heard of it, but it all makes sense to me. “

This type of transaction makes sense in exchanging long-term funds for short-term funds, but in that particular transaction multiple things need to happen before it becomes possible. It also doesn’t take into account the sour notes that Randall left the Lakers.

I feel it’s very unlikely that it will happen, but it’s a type of deal that will continue to be possible in the right circumstances for Russ this summer, and in some cases transition to the season.

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