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Lou Lopez Sénéchal getting up to speed at UConn

After spending four years in Fairfield, Lulopes Senetical wanted a new challenge.

Not only did she prove herself at MAAC, she also competed in the first team selection of three National Collegiate Athletic Associations, the 2022 MAAC Player of the Year Awards, and the NCAA Tournament. Thanks to her qualifications for a year from her COVID season, Lopez Sénéchal entered her transfer portal in search of a new home. At that point, UConn wasn’t even on her radar.

“To be honest, that’s not the case. I didn’t think they would reach out to me,” she said. “I wanted to go to a higher level, so I was hoping for a bigger school to reach out from a bigger meeting, but I didn’t think UConn would.”

That changed when assistant coach Morgan Valley contacted her to establish Husky’s interests. Just like that, Lopez Sensual divided her choices into two categories: UConn and everyone else.

“There were several schools (which are also mixed),” she said. “Every day I had a lot of thoughts about what was the best option, but when UConn contacted me, it really became my top priority.”

Lopez Sénéchal toured the facility, met the team and visited her to see if it was appropriate. Her parents were flying from France to take her to Stose. Upon entering her campus, she didn’t have to think too hard about her decision.

“I had to make sure it would be a great option,” she said. “That’s why I visited. I met everyone. It was great. I think the year was easy because of the challenge I was looking for. UConn is the best place for that. think.”

Lopez Sénéchal also checked all the boxes from a husky perspective.Genoa Reamer Be careful of transfer, Lopez Sénéchal, after four years at Fairfield, was looking for something new. This is a situation similar to what Dorka Juhász had in the previous summer.

Stags was also coached by Auriemma’s friend Joe Frager, who had the same coaching and programming philosophy as the 11th National Champion, and UConn was on the roster with only four other guards deep in the back court. I needed it. Lopez Sénéchal complies with the bill in every respect.

“She fulfilled her commitment to Fairfield and was looking for an opportunity to play at another level,” said Auriema. “The way she plays and the way Joe coaches is pretty much the same as what we do and what we do, so I thought it was perfect.”

Fairfield cites a 6-foot-1 Lopez Sensual as a forward, but she plays like a security guard in her three-point attempt, ranked above the 86th percentile nationwide in each of the last three seasons. Did. Frazier sometimes used her height to take advantage of matchups inside, but Lopez Sensual played primarily around her.

Although she is listed as a guard / forward on the UConn roster, coaching staff will place her on the back court if the first week of summer training is any sign.

“They are actually using me more as an external threat to the wings, not as a post,” she said.

The need for UConn depth may have triggered the addition of Lopez Sénéchal, but she certainly has the opportunity to contribute, especially in her shooting. Last season, Husky struggled across the arc, surpassing 33.8 percent of the three points and just 31.7 percent of the 43.0 percent mark of Adgefad. Lopez Sénéchal has converted over 40% in triples and 38.8% across her career in the last two seasons. That’s where she can have the most direct impact next season.

But first, Lopez Sénéchal literally needs to get used to husky. So far, her biggest adjustment has been to understand UConn’s attacks. Not only is this a new system, it requires a quicker decision from Fairfield than what she’s used to. It also has a lot to do with reading and reacting to what the defense does, not the play.

“The attacks are definitely different. They have a faster pace. We performed more plays (at the fairfield), it was a bit slower,” said Lopez Seneschal. .. “In general, the pace of attacks is much faster and there is less set piece.”

Lopez Sénéchal didn’t arrive at Stose with hope — she said she would accept any role she would have — but through a week of summer training, Auriemma said she fits well. say.

“She falls into that category of many guards except Nika in that she’s a little challenged on the other side of the floor, so you need to avoid that,” he said. “But she’s exactly what I expected.”

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