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Louisville falls short to Florida State, 35-31

Stop me if you’ve heard this before. Louisville had a strong first half, but due to their own mistakes, they didn’t lead as big as they should have. When they lose their close ones, this will come back to bite them in the second half.

I know I’m not the only one tired of watching this same episode over and over again for the past three seasons.

This was a big game. Something that can and will likely set the trajectory of the season, a win will have the fans back in your corner and the 7-8 win season you’ve been planning for is just around the corner. When they lose, fans start looking for an escape route again. It’s as close to a must-win as it comes in week three of the season, and the same flaws that have plagued this staff and program for the past three seasons are back.

Everybody hated to see Jordan Travis walk off the field near the end of the first half, but he was stellar for most of the game except for one interception, so lie if I wasn’t a little relieved. Just like last week, it’s time for the defense to feast. When Rodemaker came on the scene, many of his UofL fans thought he was going to struggle with the FSU offense, but he ended up winning the Travis-led offense.

There are many things that could point to what ultimately caused Louisville to lose this game. Misjudgment in kick/punt return games, predictable and uninspiring calls on offense, back breaking penalties on both sides of the ball and the list goes on. But the constant is this staff. It felt like watching the same horror movie a billion times, even though I was stupid enough to believe it might have a different ending this time.

I’m sure there are many opinions on when the game was finally lost entirely, but for me, I can’t get over the eerie, unsettling feeling after Cards kicked a field goal to take the lead, 31 – 28, Q4 11:51.

The crowd, which had been raucous throughout the game, fell silent. The energy went out of the building. And everyone prepared for the worst.

Think about it. With a lead, plenty of time left, and with FSU’s best players out of the game, the entire stadium was already hopeless.

It’s a fanbase that knows exactly what to expect from its current coaching staff.

I know there are a lot of haters out there, but I truly believe that the majority of fans want Scott Satterfield to thrive in Louisville. There were many times during his stint in Louisville where we said ‘do this’ and he wasn’t doing enough. .

Every time he and his staff, especially Bryan Brown, think they’ve turned a corner, they quickly revert to their old ways. You never know which version of them you’ll get. The results are often infuriating. We’re all headed for a rollercoaster of non-stop highs and lows.

Like the Syracuse game, there is a lot to digest in order to understand what happened. But I think the biggest headache for everyone tonight is that they’re tired of doing this.

They are fed up with the excuses of the “nice guy” in charge of the program. They are tired of seeing the same flawed philosophy hampering this program. I’m tired of being made.

For a program that has had many proud moments on their way up the ranks of college football, at this point, I think the fans just want to believe in themselves and see progress. Scott Satterfield’s Roller Coaster Our right wing certainly isn’t.

I wrote about how terrifying the overall sentiment of the fan base was, after the loss in Syracuse in week 1, and how cold it was. But tonight, I’m even more concerned that after going into the game with a 11:51 lead, all hope was lost because the fanbase was desperate to have fun and support the team. became.
That’s what bothers me the most. I want to feel like I always have a chance to win. I want to leave the fun of the fans in the first half. But above all, I want a coaching staff that I can trust.

We’ll see what happens in the next nine games, but I’m not going to make the mistake of thinking that this movie will end differently.

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