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Michael Beasley signs 7-figure deal with CBA, per report

Former second-placed overall pick Michael Beasley is still playing professional basketball and he has a major contract to continue it in China.

Athletic Shams Charania reported on Sunday that Beasley had signed a seven-digit deal with the Chinese Basketball Association team Shanghai Shark.

Beasley, 33, hasn’t played in the NBA since the 2018-19 season, when he played 26 games at the Los Angeles Lakers. He recently played in CBA but not in sharks.

At college, Beesley played for a year in Kansas before declaring the NBA Draft in 2008. He was ranked second overall by the Miami Heat, but couldn’t reach his potential. He had a good moment in court, but he was plagued by problems — An issue he recently published on the “The Pivot” podcast.

Beasley addressed drug issues throughout his career, but also struggled with mental health issues. Some of them are the result of a dangerous relationship with his family that Beesley said was stolen from him during his career. Since then, he has been struggling to be surrounded by the right people and says he is “tired” to keep looking for good people.

Due to their dysfunctional family relationships, he does not easily trust people and remains very isolated, often to sit alone at home, talk only to children on the phone, and play basketball. He says he just leaves the house. He said he was trying to ask his friend for help, but at this point he doesn’t want to burden them with his problems.

Beasley also wondered how low athletes need to be to get help from the community.

“Do I need to be in Delonte West’s position to get help?” Beasley said. “Donte West and the people in his position are not downplayed. But what do you need to do the right thing? I asked for help for the rest of my life. People called me crazy. .. […] I have contacted many people many times, but it just has to die with some dignity. “

Beasley experienced an apparently difficult time during the interview and shed several tears while he was discussing the past. The host tried to encourage him and told Beasley that people still loved him and wanted to see him succeed.

The host was right. After Carania reported the news of Beasley’s new deal, many said they hoped that this new deal would help Beasley heal and reach a better place mentally, excitement, love, And I answered with support.

Former second-placed overall pick Michael Beasley has reportedly signed a seven-digit contract to play in China.  (Photo by Gene Sweeney Jr./Getty Images)

Former second-placed overall pick Michael Beasley has reportedly signed a seven-digit contract to play in China. (Photo by Gene Sweeney Jr./Getty Images)

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