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Orlando Magic could target Jordan Poole?

The Warriors could hand over a pool extension if they choose, allowing him to become a restricted free agent next summer. I’m guessing we can expect at least one team ready to raid. “We know Golden State is likely not a match, so if he’s restricted, we’ll make sure the Magic are ready to make an offer.” An Eastern Conference executive told Heavy Sports.
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Kerr called Rooney, Wiggins, and Jordan Poole the “Foundation Six” roping to the established core of Stephen Curry, Draymond Green, and Klay Thompson. “We probably have more continuity with the core group than anyone in the league,” Kerr said. “Add Wiggs and Jordan and the institutional knowledge they have, and we have a very strong foundation. We started that, but the difference is that a year ago, we didn’t know if we were really competitive, so the 18-2 start was huge, and we’ve stepped it up this year. The defending champions, so nothing is guaranteed, but I’m confident in who I am The main six are back, and the foundation six are big on the court every night We know it’s going to be, and this will allow us to bring in young players.” – Via athletic / Aug 02, 2022 In some cases, that’s true even if player development has stalled. For example, BORDS$ values ​​his pool next season at $28.7 million.If He hasn’t improved at all since that point. The rising cap environment alone would make him worth $145 million over his first four years of the extension. The highest the Warriors can legally pay him is $147 million for him over these four years. Barrett, who is a year younger than Poole, and Hero’s calculations work almost equally well. So from 2026 to 2027 he promises to pay $40 million, which may seem like a big swallow, but it’s equivalent to her salary in the $25 million range today. . From the team’s perspective, you don’t have to be an All-Star for a contract to turn into a big win. Also, going longer is probably even better: his five-year deal on the ‘named rookie’ contract looks aggressive at first, but by the time the deal expires, the 27-year-old player To the normal starter his money is paid. -via athletic / July 26, 2022 But ESPN NBA analyst Zach Lowe believes the Nets aren’t convinced the package headliner is the star they’re looking for in a Durant trade. “It’s a negotiating table, but it’s not about giving up on all those players,” he said during a conversation with Warriors reporter Kendra Andrews on the latest episode of the Lowe Post podcast. “If you’re giving up too many picks, that’s too much for too many players to give up. There’s only one, they owe Memphis via an Iguodala salary dump that feels like years ago, and they’re actually set up to be more flexible, not financially, but trade Financially, they’re breaking all barriers, but they’re more flexible on the trade side than most teams. It’s Wiggins and Simmons, and you’re in for a designated rookie debacle. Based on the information I have, the Nets don’t really value Wiggins or Poole as star players. Then we get to other players who don’t have much of a track record in the NBA. So I don’t know if there really was a deal that the Nets would have made. Obviously, if you’re the Warriors, you have to explore that. ” -via Yahoo!sports / July 23, 2022

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