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Rampant tampering, inducing of college football players has coaches unsure about best path forward

Jeff Traylor was about to name. According to the UTSA coach, the Power Five offender at his school, he took advantage of NIL’s offer in hopes of convincing the two players to leave the Roadrunners. The player in question did not enter the transport portal.

All participants remained anonymous, but Taylor tried to find out the source of his frustration in order to ultimately remain silent.

“You know how the story goes: ‘The coach will leave. Why can’t the players leave?’ they said.

The UTSA coach’s indignation was shaped a few weeks ago when he posted a tweet asking how to report to the NCAA “Power Five schools trying to poach our young talent.”

Whether or not he got an answer from Indianapolis remains a secret as well.

For many, that tweet encapsulated the transactional nature of how the hiring went.

What used to be cheating is now a cost of doing business. The lines between ethics and scholarship offerings are so blurry that glasses are needed.

What the trailer alleges is running an NCAA violation. It’s called “forbidden contact”. Street names have been tampered with. You don’t need quotes around that term. It’s so common these days that it’s not just the trailers complaining.

Pittsburgh’s Pat Narduzzi is among the coaches who have denounced improper solicitation.

Narduzzi made a similar accusation last year after losing leading wide receiver Jordan Addison to USC. rice field.

You might conclude that 99% of coaches are frustrated and don’t go that far, but Nick Saban and Jimbo Fisher have already seen it. fight in public.

That beef was ugly, but it made it clear that players have more freedom to transfer. They can afford to express their opinion. There were practically no consequences, other than public ridicule for the billionaire’s slap-flight.

Traylor, a Texas high school coach for a quarter century, says he only goes so far as to bring the situation to light. He doesn’t want to be “that guy in the spotlight.”

“I’d like to give you the school and name, and then we’ll get started,” Traylor said. “I don’t know what to do. I know that school now and it keeps me away from my kids.”

That might be enough for now, but we all know it won’t be in the long run.

This voluntary participation began on July 1, 2021, when the NCAA relinquished its authority to regulate recruitment. There were so many states with so many NIL laws that the association couldn’t do legal whack-a-mole without finding itself in the crosshairs.

Currently, the gap is filled by experts in acquiring unscrupulous talent. The process is so sophisticated that it doesn’t even require a coach to be involved.

“It’s hard to name names in our business,” explained TCU coach Sonny Dykes. “It’s one of the things you don’t do. The way things like this happen … usually it’s not the coaches who reach out to the players. It’s [someone else] I’m talking to one of your players. Or a call from his trainer…or a high school coach.

“It’s just like always and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Even the brightest recruits and their families can be swayed by potential NIL wealth. It is part of the recruitment process. Before asking about playing time, academics, or quality of campus life, some people walk into a coach’s office and ask how much they’re getting. It’s business.

Dominic Raiola is witnessing that culture right now. His son Dylan, a quarterback for Phoenix who was ranked #1 overall in his class of 2024, has just been discharged from Ohio State. His father was a Nebraska legend and he played in the NFL for 14 years.

“What about tampering?” Dominique wondered. “Will I be penalized if I keep and submit receipts? If so, he said, she said.

That’s part of the reason Trailer hasn’t dropped a dime yet.

UTSA is near the bottom of the recruiting food chain and NIL or not, his best players could be tempted to leave for bigger programs. (However, Roadrunners has the 2nd most recruiting class among Group of Five programs and 54th overall in 247Sports Composite.)

“My wife said, ‘Why don’t you call me? [offender] ” said Traylor. i need to do something in between.

The trailer’s reliance on this kind of guerrilla tactics highlights the problem.

Sources tell CBS Sports that NCAA officials are standing in front of both football and basketball coaches’ conventions to help catch people making unauthorized contact. A little cooperation.

The coaching profession has a code of silence.the mafia calls it OmertaYes, a lot of this is down to the coaches themselves to keep their voices down. All should stay within their coaching peers, or perhaps step up and make a name for themselves.

Still, his player predation can be quite frustrating, and the trailer may have to heed future Power Five offers. It’s the next evolution in a head coaching career that has taken off. The Roadrunners won back-to-back Conference USA titles and sit 23-5. over the last two seasons.

UTSA could have been on the field for 2022 if the expanded college football playoffs had taken place.

One head coach, who requested anonymity, described this culture as follows: [instance of tampering], it’s going to be a thunderstorm and I don’t want to do that. I know it sounds very chicken to me. ”

Coach lashed out before accusing without much evidence. North Carolina quarterback Drake May wins $5 million NIL offer? Really? from who? Not exactly, May told ESPN.

“Giving a child $5 million is no big deal,” said Dominic Raiola. [the headline] It kind of disappears in a few days. ”

Speculation is rife that collective bargaining is imminent. A school, for example, could ask a player to sign his two-year contract in exchange for cash benefits. (Currently, schools are not allowed to pay his NIL benefits directly.)

Federal law ensures that benefits, including cash, cannot be restricted in such circumstances.

That’s premised on the fact that being a college athlete still has a student side to it. changed architecture major Because it was against football.

How long does it take for a star player to miss practice for a commercial shoot? How long does it take for his teammates to call him?

“Strong Points [to NIL] TCU wide receiver Quentin Johnston said: “It’s for people who can really handle it and focus on football. The downside is that people get so into it that they can’t perform as they should.” Told.

The NCAA Transformation Commission on Tuesday recommended sweeping changes, including enhanced medical benefits for athletes.

“We need a clear and stable framework to deal with. [those issues]”Congress is the only entity that can give that stability,” the committee said in a statement.

In that one sentence, the NCAA recognized not only its greatest failure, but its despair. that’s all As a solution to the compensation controversy, we’re playing around with federal oversight of college athletics.

You can’t solve this with a tweet. But if someone likes it, here it goes: Be careful what you want.

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