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Rasheed Wallace’s career-long beef with NBA referees was iconic

Photo: Gregory Shams / Getty Images

Rasheed Wallace may have been very difficult (and annoying) to be moderated by the NBA referee, but it’s still not enough to leave it alone. Wallace sometimes overreacted and complained a lot, but he wasn’t just a whining.

Whether fair or not, Seed found prejudice among NBA referees and tried to call for it. He is far from the only person who proposes that the referee be emotional, play a favorite, or bring vulgar motives to court. But he is one of the players who points out that in court. He consistently made it boldly, and accused him of targeting him in a way that drew extra anger from the very references.

In short, this was a crusade that turned a typical tense relationship into perfect beef. While he was playing, it was Sheed vs. Basicly EveryRef. And even when he retired, Wallace hasn’t finished the fight against that fight:

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