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Texas Tech, former head coach Marlene Stollings reach settlement in discrimination and retaliation lawsuit

Former Texas Tech women’s basketball head coach Marlene Stallings Wednesday reached a settlement with Texas Tech and athletic director Kirby Hokkat, after Stallings was fired in August 2020, citing her previous discrimination and retaliation. We have closed the lawsuit denouncing the program.

Stallings was fired shortly after an article published by USA Today Sports referenced allegations of abuse Create a toxic team environment that leads to “fear, anxiety and depression” within the program. The article described incidents of multiple players sexually harassing, name-calling, and even stealing a player’s emotional support dog. had a contract.

She sued Texas Tech in October 2020 and the case was scheduled to go to trial in February 2023. The lawsuit was dismissed as both parties jointly filed a motion for settlement. After this, the claim cannot be brought to court again, as it was “prejudicedly” dismissed.

Stollings filed multiple complaints against Texas Tech and Hoccutt, but only two remained for retaliation and discrimination under Title IX. Details of the settlement have not been made public, but the Stollings appeared in high spirits, commented on social media.

“Equality wins today! Settled! Please file this lawsuit to clear my name, set the record straight and contribute to the principles of equality and fair treatment,” she wrote on Twitter. “Exciting! It’s worth fighting for! Many thanks to SA, my parents, and TTU fans. I want to go back to my life’s work.”

South Carolina women’s basketball head coach Dawn Staley was one of her supporters and congratulated her on her reconciliation.

According to reports, Stallings’ complaint is that the school and athletic director “are treated better than male and heterosexual coaches than female, gay, and lesbian coaches, and men’s athletic programs are more likely than women’s athletic programs.” It created an environment where they were treated well.”

Stallings’ attorney, Peter Ginsburg, told USA Today that she’s interested in coaching again.

“Given the athletic nature of the college, most, if not all, of the colleges were reluctant to engage with Marlene during the ongoing lawsuit against Texas Tech. Now that the lawsuit is over. , the situation is expected to change significantly.”

However, not everyone is happy with this decision. Several former Stallings players told USA Today that they never want to see her coach again, one of whom she left Texas Tech for Washburn University in Kansas in 2019. The enrolled girlfriend was Mia Castaneda.

“The point was not that we were weak or strong enough to bear,” Castaneda said. “The point of the discussion was to shine a light on the fact that even if we choose to be athletes, we are human beings first and foremost, and our mental and physical health matters. I hope the settlement doesn’t keep other athletes from speaking out, and I wish her and her staff the best of luck in the future.”

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