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What does Jesse and Joey Buss gaining more power with the Lakers mean for Rob Pelinka?

When someone is forced to uphold nepotism, hope arises somewhere in that gene pool that someone actually deserves the chance to stand in line unfairly. lakers Fans are hoping either Jesse or Joey Bass will fare better in key roles than their siblings to date, as they reportedly have more responsibilities within the organization.

But what does that mean? How will Jesse or Joey, who have long focused on the future, fit into an organization desperate to win now?

Beyond these questions, at some point, I wonder if Jesse or Joey have any motivation in favor of keeping the 2027 and ’29 picks when those picks conveyed It is very likely that he will be in charge of the franchise.

Hell, if we really want to be cynical, wouldn’t it be better for them to call off the deal now because Rob Pelinka’s seat is as hot as it is right now? If not, and Pelinka is fired as a result, it is quite possible that they will take over his responsibilities.

With all this in mind, it was certainly interesting to watch. The Athletic Status Report — with the voices of Jesse and Joey being considered in ways they’ve never been before, the Lakers’ Brain Trust apparently couldn’t come to a consensus on whether to trade those two first rounders.

Pelinka is given ultimate authority to make these decisions, but sources said the whole group wanted to reach an agreement. The voices of Joey and Jesse Bass seem to be considered among Lakers leaders more than ever. But if not, sources say Pelinka will be patient and see if Westbrook can find a way to fit this imperfect situation into a job for the Lakers. I chose to check whether

And, while considering their promotion potential, if the youngest Bass brother is in danger of taking over depending on Pelinka’s circumstances, they’ll need those extra couples to rebuild post-LeBron James. you don’t want your property?

By the way, we’ve seen this deployment before. At one point Jim Buss was ready to do his DeMarcus Cousins ​​all-in his move, so it was his Jenie who looked ahead and outpaced him. Sound familiar?

This is all probably guesswork. If either is true, then two Lakers officials are essentially rooting for failure. Sure, Jesse and Joey are both hardworking and by any account very ambitious, but there’s a big gap between ambition and ferocity.

Honestly, do you think this is all happening? Probably not. But when the organizational ladder is as dependent on birthright as the Lakers are, such manipulation cannot be completely ignored.

After discussing it all with Harrison Feigen at this week’s Lakers Lounge, I thought about what I’ve seen from the Lakers so far and why they should be pushing their chips up. After stating, proceed to the middle of the table and make a reported deal with Indiana for Myles Turner and Buddy Hield.

You can listen to the entire episode below. Subscribe to the Silver Screen and Roll podcast feed to never miss a show. itunes, Spotify, Stitcher Also google podcasts.

For a short form summary pod, check out lakers On Lowdown, Anthony Irwin recaps the news from the previous day and sets you up for a day at Lakerland. Silver Screen & Roll Podcast Feed.

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